Day 2 Entry

Word of the Day: Catfishing

Today we went out and our activity was the photo safari on campus, we took some pictures with related words we wrote on our yesterdays activity.

Mexico: I used this word because this is the country I live in and it will always be important for me

$30: This one is actually funny because the expreso tec is almost $30, considering it was $20 a year ago they should consider to change it back as it is a disadvantage for the students

Tecnologia: I used my cellphone to represent this word because it represents a part of what this course is about, because this is a tool to get you online and have digital presence.

Más y mejor: It was convenient that we had «Factor Tec» campaign things on our auditorium,  because I like this phrase to use it with the Factor Tec on the deep part of the photo.

Leyenda: I represented this word with my laptop because it is what keeps this blog going on.

After the safari Ken showed us how to give credit in images we use that aren’t ours and how to create memes.

Credits: Ken Bauer (ITESM GDA)

Next thing was the session with Laura Gogia and Lee Skallerup that talked about technology and how it is important to post (if you want to) things that you like, it is a good thing that it makes you happy and it doesnt matter if you help or inspire only 1 person as long as it helps.

Our last session of the day was with Alan Levine and Amy Burvall which talked about catfishing, and education in the last and coming years, they are experts in their areas and have passion for what they do.

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